Saturday, December 18, 2010

Foloroid: Storyboards Vol. 1

Finally, the first volume of Foloroid: Storyboards has arrived.  Similar in style to cinematic storyboards, I hoped to create meaning, either categorical or narrative, through the combination of six images, some more related to each other than others.

Because this is the first volume, I was more open to experimenting a variety of different approaches in selecting and ordering the different images.  A lot of the same ideas that were touched on in the introduction to Foloroids still hold true here, so no need to repeat them.  And without further ado......

Winter Vunderland

Adventures thru the snow and ice,
often end on a carpet in front of a fire.

I Make Beer

In a snowy field
sits an off white barn
and six silver vats.
No brick monstrosity
or flashing iconic signs
Just Beer
Pure and Simple

'Tis the Season

and Material Overindulgence 

Self-Portrait: Pt. 1


Portraits: Pt. 1

A picture tells a thousand words,
A face makes them worth it.

Nighttime: Pt. 1

Point. Shoot. Pray

Self-Destruction (or Rebirth)

The Monster is born.

Love Story

They notice the little stuff,
the friendly gesture.

Runaway With Me, Now

Pack Lite.

Heat's Box Ponti'

That coffee colored Pontiac
A true piece of American Steel
Raw Beauty


1 comment:

  1. Dear Chris,

    If I am ever drunk and in the vicinity of your toyota prius, I apologize in advance for peeing on it. I have this condition involving Toyota Prii when I'm intoxicated. According to my shrink, its not my fault.

